Monday, September 5, 2011


Not that I want to jinx anything, but my blog has started working again!! YES! That's good because I have a TON of stuff to talk about. ALREADY. It's been like 2 weeks!! Anyway, I am really enjoying my classes so far. They're not easy, but I have really awesome professors and I definitely won't be falling asleep in class anytime soon. In case anyone is wondering, I'm taking Music 101, Freshman Writing, Geography, Intro to Psychology, and Book of Mormon. It's a lot of work, but at least it's enjoyable. Last Saturday (9/3/11), BYU played its first football game. 100+ students crammed themselves into the Jimmer Hall lobby, and it was SOOOOO much fun. Just wait until the home games!!
Watch's awesome.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be studying right now. Now that my blog is working again I'll definitely be posting frequently.

I Love College.


  1. Well the Mexican food was kinda gross, but I ate everything else. By the way this picture was taken like the second day. haha...but it's like this every day pretty much.
